Obria Medical Clinics of Central California: Local Clinic, Local Impact
Your tax-deductible donations sustain our efforts to provide prenatal care services to women throughout the San Joaquin Valley. Your local support will help our clinic make a big impact in our community by providing prenatal care to those in need.


MARCH 21, 2024 - 5:30 P.M. - TOCA MADERA WINERY
36140 AVE. 9 MADERA, CA 93636

Make a Recurring Donation
We are proud to announce the introduction of Obria365 – a new and convenient way to contribute to our mission through a low-cost, recurring monthly donation.
Your monthly contribution of $30.41 ($365 annually) allows Obria of Central California to continue to provide a high level of care to hundreds of patients each year.
You may also select an alternative recurring amount you would like to contribute each month. Recurring donations will be collected every 30 days from the date of your first contribution.

One-Time Donation
Support our mission to provide quality care for our community by making a one-time donation to Obria of Central California. You can join Obria 365 with a one-time, $365 donation, or you can pick a donation amount of your choice.